Thursday, December 20, 2012
Hey China! Don't you know that today is 12/21/12?
news is filtering in that China and Japan is having a new round of confrontation in the Senkakus... it seems that China's ships have entered Japan's territorial waters and are refusing to leave... Japan has scrambled fighter-bombers as a precautionary measure... those Mayan stone-carvers must be holding their breaths in anticipation... up there... in the Happy Hunting Grounds...
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The 1937 sinking of the USS Panay - the first step in the long bloody journey to Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
On 12 December 1937 (almost 4 years before Pearl Harbor), Japanese naval aircraft were ordered by their Army to attack "any and all ships" in the Yangtze above Nanking. Knowing of the presence of the USS Panay and her merchantmen, the Imperial Japanese Navy requested verification of the order, which was received before the attack began about 13:27 that day. Although there were several large American flags flown on the ship under the command of Lt. Commander James J. Hughes, as well as one painted atop the cabin, the Japanese planes continued strafing and bombing. Panay was hit by two of the eighteen 60 kg (130 lb) bombs dropped by three Yokosuka B4Y Type-96 bombers and strafed by nine Nakajima A4N Type-95 fighters. The bombing continued until the Panay sank at 15:54. Three sailors were killed, with 43 sailors and five civilian passengers wounded.
Two newsreel cameramen were present on Panay, Norman Alley (Universal News) and Eric Mayell (Movietone News), and were able to take considerable film during the attack and afterward from the shore as the Panay sank in the middle of the river. (The newsreels are now available online at
A formal protest was immediately lodged by the American ambassador. The Japanese government accepted responsibility, but insisted the attack was unintentional. They claimed that the pilots could not distinguish between Chinese and American flags from the distance of 300 or more yards that the pilots attacked. A large indemnity was paid (approximately $2,000,000, which is equal to $33,021,277 today) on 22 April 1938 and the incident officially settled. However, further deterioration of relations between Japan and the United States continued. (source: Wikipedia)
With the benefit of hindsight, it appears that the weak US response to this attack erroneously emboldened the Empire of Japan vis-a-vis US appetite for an all-out war. And they subsequently paid dearly for this geopolitical miscalculation with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
If you see some kind of parallelism with these past events and the on-going potential flashpoints instigated by China in both NE and SE Asia, you are not alone...
America is historically a slow starter, as far as all-out wars are concerned... but once the American War Machine is unleashed, it is virtually unstoppable...
So before Beijing entertains any nasty thoughts on initiating offensive military action against the FON (Freedom of Navigation) operations of Uncle Sam in the Spratlys (as she has been publicly mouthing lately through her Orwellian annoncements), she should revisit the story of the USS Panay... there is a (nuclear) lesson there somewhere...
The USS Panay was named after Panay Island of the Philippines...
Remembering Pearl Harbor...
Pearl Harbor is a stark reminder to the wannabe imperialists in Beijing on the perils of underestimating American resolve in the Western Pacific... what initially appeared to be a tragic day for America... was actually the Big Bang which propelled it to Superpower status... and was the Death Knell which heralded the beginning of the end for the Empire of Japan...
But looking back... had Pearl Harbor not happened... would the fate of the Filipino People have been much more different?...
But looking back... had Pearl Harbor not happened... would the fate of the Filipino People have been much more different?...
1941 Redux...
just like in 1941... the Philippines is once again a poorly-defended country without strategic depth that is facing a gargantuan aggressor... but as the Empire of Japan tragically discovered in WWII, invading the Philippines is one thing... holding on to it is another... we are not just another Manchuria or Tibet... the Western socio-cultural ties of the Philippines will guarantee that Beijing's imperial dreams will meet a tragic end at the bottom of the West Philippine Sea... if they dare move militarily against us...
What if the Panatag Shoal Crisis is just a "Wag the Dog" tactic?
if the Panatag Shoal crisis is just a "wag the dog" tactic of Beijing's overlords to strengthen national unity... by creating a "we against the world" atmosphere in the country (remember Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution?)... it will fail... primarily on the grounds of credibility... Mao's Long March Generation was never hounded by fat offshore bank account allegations... and does not have online social media to contend with...
as the Chinese Communist Party has correctly identified recently... the biggest threat to the People's Republic are not its neighbors... it is CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES...
diverting the attention of the Chinese masses from this problem... by deliberately instigating "Wag the Dog" conflicts with China's neighbors... will not only... not make the problem go away... but will create more problems... enough problems to potentially push the People's Republic over the abyss of political disintegration... and worse... maybe even total annihilation...
i hope the overlords of Beijing can spell B-A-L-K-A-N-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N... or H-I-R-O-S-H-I-M-A...
as the Chinese Communist Party has correctly identified recently... the biggest threat to the People's Republic are not its neighbors... it is CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES...
diverting the attention of the Chinese masses from this problem... by deliberately instigating "Wag the Dog" conflicts with China's neighbors... will not only... not make the problem go away... but will create more problems... enough problems to potentially push the People's Republic over the abyss of political disintegration... and worse... maybe even total annihilation...
i hope the overlords of Beijing can spell B-A-L-K-A-N-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N... or H-I-R-O-S-H-I-M-A...
Friday, December 7, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Here Comes PATO!

As currently envisioned, PATO will include most Pacific Island Forum states (i.e. Fiji, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Kiribati, Palau, Vanuatu, Nauru, Tonga, etc.).
The circling of wagons in the Pacific... 21st Century Edition... has begun...
almost six (6) months had passed since we pulled-out all of our naval assets from Panatag Shoal... did Beijing reciprocate the gesture?... of course not!
we have totally misread the real underlying cause of Beijing's recent bellicose behavior at the Shoal... it is not about corals, clams, sea turtles or fishing rights... it is not about oil or natural gas...
it is all about a paradigm shift on how Beijing sees itself vis-a-vis the rest of the world...
and this was summed up by Beijing's overlords in just six (6) words: CHINA MUST BECOME A MARITIME POWER
against the backdrop of such self-actualization goal... our recent diplomatic initiative are mere flies in Beijing's ointment... annoying?... yes... but with a dip of a solitary finger can easily be flicked into the wind... and ignored...
it is, therefore, now time for the National Leadership of the Philippine Republic to try another tack in addressing the Shoal dispute... and that is to send our naval assets back to the Shoal...
this will send a clear message to Beijing that... although we wish them all the luck in the pursuit of their geopolitical ambitions...
it will not be achieved at the expense of the territorial integrity of OUR REPUBLIC!
we have totally misread the real underlying cause of Beijing's recent bellicose behavior at the Shoal... it is not about corals, clams, sea turtles or fishing rights... it is not about oil or natural gas...
it is all about a paradigm shift on how Beijing sees itself vis-a-vis the rest of the world...
and this was summed up by Beijing's overlords in just six (6) words: CHINA MUST BECOME A MARITIME POWER
against the backdrop of such self-actualization goal... our recent diplomatic initiative are mere flies in Beijing's ointment... annoying?... yes... but with a dip of a solitary finger can easily be flicked into the wind... and ignored...
it is, therefore, now time for the National Leadership of the Philippine Republic to try another tack in addressing the Shoal dispute... and that is to send our naval assets back to the Shoal...
this will send a clear message to Beijing that... although we wish them all the luck in the pursuit of their geopolitical ambitions...
it will not be achieved at the expense of the territorial integrity of OUR REPUBLIC!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Beijing Seeks UNCLOS Intervention on Diaoyu
this is just a face-saving gesture to the Chinese masses... obviously, Beijing has bitten more than it can chew...
had the Japanese been as defenseless as the Vietnamese at Johnson Reef, Beijing would have mowed them down with 40mm AA fire too... but Beijing perfectly knows that the Japanese Self-Defense Force would make mince-meat out of its budding navy and air force in a conventional war scenario...
which will leave it with just one viable military option... and that is to lob ballistic missiles across the East China Sea... which is a very expensive proposition if one is diplomatically-constrained in using only conventional warheads... and if those missiles have to run the gauntlet of US ABM technology...
Beijing is now back-pedalling... and remember what Sun Tzu said on a back-pedalling adversary: "when the enemy retreats, we pursue"...
the Philippines should grab this opportunity to quash in an international court all the historically fraudulent "Nine-Dash Line" claims of Beijing in the West Philippine Sea...
so that we can all live happily ever after...
had the Japanese been as defenseless as the Vietnamese at Johnson Reef, Beijing would have mowed them down with 40mm AA fire too... but Beijing perfectly knows that the Japanese Self-Defense Force would make mince-meat out of its budding navy and air force in a conventional war scenario...
which will leave it with just one viable military option... and that is to lob ballistic missiles across the East China Sea... which is a very expensive proposition if one is diplomatically-constrained in using only conventional warheads... and if those missiles have to run the gauntlet of US ABM technology...
Beijing is now back-pedalling... and remember what Sun Tzu said on a back-pedalling adversary: "when the enemy retreats, we pursue"...
the Philippines should grab this opportunity to quash in an international court all the historically fraudulent "Nine-Dash Line" claims of Beijing in the West Philippine Sea...
so that we can all live happily ever after...
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Philippines, Japan, China: Will History Repeat Itself?
The Philippines and Japan once contributed to the collapse of the last true Chinese Imperial Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty (the last Imperial Dynasty which ruled China, the Qing, was a Manchu dynasty, not a Chinese one).
"During the last years of Wanli's reign and those of his two successors, an economic crisis developed that was centered around a sudden widespread lack of the empire's chief medium of exchange: Silver...
Philip IV of Spain (ruled in 1621–65) began cracking down on illegal smuggling of silver from Mexico and Peru across the Pacific towards China, in favor of shipping American-mined silver directly from Spain to Manila...
This time around, it is not about Silver...
In 1639, the new Tokugawa regime of Japan shut down most of its foreign trade with European powers, causing a halt of yet another source of silver coming into China...
These events occurring at roughly the same time caused a dramatic spike in the value of silver and made paying taxes nearly impossible for most provinces. People began hoarding precious silver as there was progressively less of it, forcing the ratio of the value of copper to silver into a steep decline...
In the 1630s, a string of one thousand copper coins was worth an ounce of silver; by 1640 this was reduced to the value of half an ounce; by 1643 it was worth roughly one-third of an ounce...
For peasants this was an economic disaster, since they paid taxes in silver while conducting local trade and selling their crops with copper coins..." (Wikipedia)
This time around, it is not about Silver...
But about Islands, Shoals and Reefs...
Will history repeat itself?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
China vs. Japan at Diaoyu
China and Japan is about to come to blows as a result of Tokyo's decision to nationalize the remaining privately-owned Diaoyu islands...
but while the PLA (People's Liberation Army) has proven in Korea that it is a force to be reckoned with in land warfare... the PLAN (People's Liberation Army Navy) has nothing noteworthy to show that it too deserves the respect of the major navies of the world... the video clip currently circulating in YouTube showing how it literally massacred defenseless Vietnamese sailors at Johnson Reef just further casts doubts on its reputation as a true warfighting formation...
at Diaoyu, the PLAN will be testing its mettle against the descendants of one of the most powerful naval force of the 20th Century...
unless, it reaches for its nuke arsenal... i do not see how the PLAN can stand up to the current reincarnation of the JIN (Japanese Imperial Navy)...
so the leaders of Beijing should tread carefully on this issue... because they might end up getting humiliated in this confrontation...
and humiliated men often resort to irrational means...
but while the PLA (People's Liberation Army) has proven in Korea that it is a force to be reckoned with in land warfare... the PLAN (People's Liberation Army Navy) has nothing noteworthy to show that it too deserves the respect of the major navies of the world... the video clip currently circulating in YouTube showing how it literally massacred defenseless Vietnamese sailors at Johnson Reef just further casts doubts on its reputation as a true warfighting formation...
at Diaoyu, the PLAN will be testing its mettle against the descendants of one of the most powerful naval force of the 20th Century...
unless, it reaches for its nuke arsenal... i do not see how the PLAN can stand up to the current reincarnation of the JIN (Japanese Imperial Navy)...
so the leaders of Beijing should tread carefully on this issue... because they might end up getting humiliated in this confrontation...
and humiliated men often resort to irrational means...
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Divide et Impera at Vladivostok
At Vladivostok...
Beijing took the time to talk to Vietnam... but not the Philippines...
Beijing took the time to talk to Brunei... but not the Philippines...
it is starting to emerge that Beijing's pet peeve vis-a-vis its Nine-Dash Line territorial grab in the West Philippine Sea... is the Philippines...
but then... as former subjects of Western Colonial Powers... the peoples of Malaya Irredenta (and Vietnam) already have extensive experience with Divide-and-Rule tactics...
so it is doubtful whether Beijing's latest bag of tricks will work...
by now, Malaya Irredenta and Vietnam are fully aware that their only chance of holding on to their West Philippine Sea territories is to confront as a unified force the seemingly overwhelming economic and military muscle of Beijing...
and Beijing knows this too... so expect the not-so-subtle Divide et Impera moves to continue...
Beijing took the time to talk to Vietnam... but not the Philippines...
Beijing took the time to talk to Brunei... but not the Philippines...
it is starting to emerge that Beijing's pet peeve vis-a-vis its Nine-Dash Line territorial grab in the West Philippine Sea... is the Philippines...
but then... as former subjects of Western Colonial Powers... the peoples of Malaya Irredenta (and Vietnam) already have extensive experience with Divide-and-Rule tactics...
so it is doubtful whether Beijing's latest bag of tricks will work...
by now, Malaya Irredenta and Vietnam are fully aware that their only chance of holding on to their West Philippine Sea territories is to confront as a unified force the seemingly overwhelming economic and military muscle of Beijing...
and Beijing knows this too... so expect the not-so-subtle Divide et Impera moves to continue...
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Is it time to form a MAPHILINDO Anti-NINE-DASH-LINE Alliance?
Before there was ASEAN... there was MAPHILINDO (Bung Karno, post-WWII)...
Before there was MAPHILINDO... there was Malaya Irredenta (Wenceslao Q. Vinzons, pre-WWII)...
The Core Group of ASEAN is really Malaya Irredenta...
In case you have not noticed... 4 of the 5 contra-Beijing claimants in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) are Malaya Irredenta countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei)... if Beijing succeeds in grabbing everything within its fraudulent Nine-Dash Line... the biggest loser would be Malaya Irredenta...
This the main reason why non-WPS Claimant ASEAN members have difficulty taking a much stronger anti-Beijing stance on this issue... they are not direct stakeholders...
So in case non-WPS Claimant ASEAN will continue to hew and haw about Beijing's imperialist territorial grab in the WPS... the best next course of action would be to form an Anti-Nine-Dash Line Alliance composed of the 4 Malaya Irredenta countries... plus Vietnam...
In case you have not noticed... 4 of the 5 contra-Beijing claimants in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) are Malaya Irredenta countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei)... if Beijing succeeds in grabbing everything within its fraudulent Nine-Dash Line... the biggest loser would be Malaya Irredenta...
This the main reason why non-WPS Claimant ASEAN members have difficulty taking a much stronger anti-Beijing stance on this issue... they are not direct stakeholders...
So in case non-WPS Claimant ASEAN will continue to hew and haw about Beijing's imperialist territorial grab in the WPS... the best next course of action would be to form an Anti-Nine-Dash Line Alliance composed of the 4 Malaya Irredenta countries... plus Vietnam...
For neutrality, and lower susceptibility to Beijing's economic muscle (remember the Phnom Penh fiasco?), the Alliance HQ should be based in Brunei...
Monday, July 30, 2012
Does the Name "West Philippine Sea" Have Any Cartographic Basis?
European cartographers named the sea south of China and west of the Philippines as "South China Sea"... while they named the sea east of the Philippines as "Philippine Sea"...
it appears that the choice of "South China Sea" was a matter of cartographic convenience (i.e. to simplify navigational directions) rather than an acknowledgement of China's control over the sea... as Beijing now would want the world to believe...
since "Philippine Sea" already exists as a cartographic reference (the two Battles of the Philippine Sea in WWII are now considered as some of if not the biggest naval battles in history)... it is not a big leap to rename the sea to the west of the Philippines as "West Philippine Sea"... and the sea to the east of the Philippines as "East Philippine Sea"...
and the whole world would probably welcome this change... because unlike Beijing... Manila will never have the temerity to claim the entire territory covered by these seas as its own... except for those areas that it is entitled to claim under international law...
it appears that the choice of "South China Sea" was a matter of cartographic convenience (i.e. to simplify navigational directions) rather than an acknowledgement of China's control over the sea... as Beijing now would want the world to believe...
since "Philippine Sea" already exists as a cartographic reference (the two Battles of the Philippine Sea in WWII are now considered as some of if not the biggest naval battles in history)... it is not a big leap to rename the sea to the west of the Philippines as "West Philippine Sea"... and the sea to the east of the Philippines as "East Philippine Sea"...
and the whole world would probably welcome this change... because unlike Beijing... Manila will never have the temerity to claim the entire territory covered by these seas as its own... except for those areas that it is entitled to claim under international law...
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Real Basis of Beijing's Nine-Dash Line
When WWII officially broke out in 1939, Axis-member Japan grabbed these islands from France and used them as submarine bases...
After Japan's surrender in 1945, the Republic of China (now officially known as Taiwan) attempted to take over Japanese control over the islands under the rationale that Japan used to administer the islands together with Taiwan as a single political entity during WWII... this explains why the now-infamous "Nine-Dash Line" was first mentioned in 1947...
In substance, therefore, Beijing's (and Taiwan's) claim on the Paracels and Spratlys is based on the Japanese conquest of the islands (from France) in 1939... and not on the historical jurisdiction exercised by certain ancient Chinese dynasties dating back to thousands of years ago... this explains why authentic old Chinese maps always show Hainan Island as the southernmost territory of Imperial China...
This is a historical fact which Beijing will find very hard to swallow... so expect the Orwellian tra-la-la pronouncements to continue..
Monday, July 16, 2012
The Death of ASEAN
the ease with which Beijing was able to employ "divide et empira" tactics against ASEAN in the recently-concluded Phnom Penh Summit may be an indication that the Organization has already outlived its original purpose... it was originally conceived as a bulwark against communist expansionism in SE Asia at the height of the Cold War in the mid-60s... the Cold War and communism... are long dead...
former communist bedfellows Beijing and Hanoi are now sworn adversaries... and are just one sneeze away from another shooting war... judging by its behavior during the Summit, Thailand is in the process of going to bed with Beijing... Cambodia, on the other hand, is seemingly suffering from a severe case of "Killing Fields Amnesia"... and is back in the arms of the Killing Fields Sponsor...
with the threat of communism gone... ASEAN has recently re-focused its efforts towards economic targets... maybe one day... a common market... or even a common currency... the EU of SE Asia...
but Beijing will not just stand idly by and let 600 million SEA people build an economic empire that could rival its own... while the short-term impetus for Beijing's belligerent acts in the WPS (West Philippine Sea) appears to be territorial gain... i suspect that there is something more to it than what meets the eye... it is maybe part and parcel of a grand strategy to stop the formation of an ASEAN Common Market dead on its tracks... and by all appearances, Beijing was able to accomplish that at Phnom Penh...
with Cambodia and Thailand now perceived, rightly or wrongly, as the stalking horses of Beijing in ASEAN... any effort to obtain the support of the Organization on measures that have an anti-Bejing smell will be presumed as doomed to fail... and ASEAN members like the Philippines and Vietnam, who have serious territorial disputes with Beijing, will have to look for support elsewhere...
one option is to form a new defense-oriented regional organization of SEA countries which have direct territorial disputes with Beijing... this would include the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia... with a combined population of about 450 million... this organization will have more manpower than the US of A... and if properly equipped with the latest weaponry... will be a formidable force to be reckoned with...
former communist bedfellows Beijing and Hanoi are now sworn adversaries... and are just one sneeze away from another shooting war... judging by its behavior during the Summit, Thailand is in the process of going to bed with Beijing... Cambodia, on the other hand, is seemingly suffering from a severe case of "Killing Fields Amnesia"... and is back in the arms of the Killing Fields Sponsor...
with the threat of communism gone... ASEAN has recently re-focused its efforts towards economic targets... maybe one day... a common market... or even a common currency... the EU of SE Asia...
but Beijing will not just stand idly by and let 600 million SEA people build an economic empire that could rival its own... while the short-term impetus for Beijing's belligerent acts in the WPS (West Philippine Sea) appears to be territorial gain... i suspect that there is something more to it than what meets the eye... it is maybe part and parcel of a grand strategy to stop the formation of an ASEAN Common Market dead on its tracks... and by all appearances, Beijing was able to accomplish that at Phnom Penh...
with Cambodia and Thailand now perceived, rightly or wrongly, as the stalking horses of Beijing in ASEAN... any effort to obtain the support of the Organization on measures that have an anti-Bejing smell will be presumed as doomed to fail... and ASEAN members like the Philippines and Vietnam, who have serious territorial disputes with Beijing, will have to look for support elsewhere...
one option is to form a new defense-oriented regional organization of SEA countries which have direct territorial disputes with Beijing... this would include the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia... with a combined population of about 450 million... this organization will have more manpower than the US of A... and if properly equipped with the latest weaponry... will be a formidable force to be reckoned with...
Friday, July 13, 2012
Unstoppable Beijing Guided Missile Frigate Meets an Immovable West Philippine Sea Rock
Philippine media is now abuzz with the news that a PLAN guided-missile frigate has accidentally grounded itself into Hasa-Hasa Shoal about 2 days ago... while conducting patrols in Philippine waters...
the ship in question is probably the Dongguan (Hull No. 560)... a Jianghu V-class frigate... which normally carries eight (8) NORINCO YJ-83 SSMs in two (2) four-box launchers...
since this is a fairly inexpensive export-class ship (Egypt, Thailand, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar also operate them)... which only costs about USD100M new... we should not discount the possibility that this was a deliberate act... that would provide the pretext for Beijing to occupy Hasa-Hasa Shoal...
the Philippine Military should investigate this matter immediately... and, if possible, subject the warship to the applicable international salvaging laws...
the ship in question is probably the Dongguan (Hull No. 560)... a Jianghu V-class frigate... which normally carries eight (8) NORINCO YJ-83 SSMs in two (2) four-box launchers...
since this is a fairly inexpensive export-class ship (Egypt, Thailand, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar also operate them)... which only costs about USD100M new... we should not discount the possibility that this was a deliberate act... that would provide the pretext for Beijing to occupy Hasa-Hasa Shoal...
the Philippine Military should investigate this matter immediately... and, if possible, subject the warship to the applicable international salvaging laws...
Cambodia: Hun Sen the Over-Staying Survivor
by now, everyone has realized that the recent ASEAN Summit was a diplomatic coup for Beijing... even Mrs. Clinton proved no match to the duplicitous minions of Hun Sen... for the first time in its history, ASEAN failed to issue a joint communique after a formal summit... all because of the Beijing-orchestrated machinations of an upstart member... which was only accepted to the organization barely 13 years ago... thanks and no thanks Mr. Hun Sen...
but it was not really surprising move... the man is a time-tested survivor... he was with the original Beijing Cambodian Stooge, the Khmer Rouge, when they were winning... then he went over to the Vietnamese side when they were winning... then he went to bed with... and then launched a coup against Prince Norodom Ranariddh... and now he is back in Beijing's arms... this man changes spots more often than a snow leopard...
but his recent betrayal of the West Philippine Sea interests of fellow ASEAN members the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei has a silver lining... it brought him back to the center stage of world opinion... and the first thing that the world will probably say is: "oh my! we didn't realize he is still there!"...
it is time for regime change in Cambodia...
otherwise, this ASEAN Domino will fall again...
and the "Killing Fields" will once again harvest millions of Cambodian lives...
but it was not really surprising move... the man is a time-tested survivor... he was with the original Beijing Cambodian Stooge, the Khmer Rouge, when they were winning... then he went over to the Vietnamese side when they were winning... then he went to bed with... and then launched a coup against Prince Norodom Ranariddh... and now he is back in Beijing's arms... this man changes spots more often than a snow leopard...
but his recent betrayal of the West Philippine Sea interests of fellow ASEAN members the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei has a silver lining... it brought him back to the center stage of world opinion... and the first thing that the world will probably say is: "oh my! we didn't realize he is still there!"...
it is time for regime change in Cambodia...
otherwise, this ASEAN Domino will fall again...
and the "Killing Fields" will once again harvest millions of Cambodian lives...
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Of Mosquitoes and Dragons
"Compared to the Chinese Dragon, the Philippines is just a Mosquito" said a prominent Philippine Senator (Miriam Defensor-Santiago)...
This got me thinking, "is Beijing is really a Dragon?"... in the five-animal style of Chinese martial arts... the Tiger relies on strength (doer)... the Snake on technical precision (thinker)... the Crane on evasion (feeler)... and the Leopard on cunning (dreamer)... once a martial artist has the ability to select accurately and apply effectively any of the aforementioned animal styles to a particular situation... then he becomes a Dragon...
Beijing's recent behavior in the West Philippine Sea cannot be associated with someone who is already a Dragon... it is more of a Tiger behavior... which is basically relying on brute strength to get what you want...
The one who behaves like a true Dragon is Uncle Sam... which, depending on the situation, will act like... a Tiger (Desert Shield)... a Snake (Predator strikes)... a Crane (Mrs. Clinton)... or a Leopard (SEAL Teams)...
How about the Philippines?...
The one who behaves like a true Dragon is Uncle Sam... which, depending on the situation, will act like... a Tiger (Desert Shield)... a Snake (Predator strikes)... a Crane (Mrs. Clinton)... or a Leopard (SEAL Teams)...
How about the Philippines?...
Initially, i was a bit offended by the "Mosquito" tag... but after some serious thought, i said to myself: "why not?"... after all, i doubt if there is any other animal on earth that can match the human body count of a Mosquito...
How many humans have Tigers killed in the last two millenia?... a few thousands would probably be tops... how about Dragons?... i won't even dare speculate...
But Mosquitoes... just say... Yellow Fever... Malaria... Dengue... and it could easily run into the hundreds of millions... maybe even more than a billion...
So take heart fellow Filipinos... we may be a Mosquito to Beijing's Tiger... but it will only take one bite from our Mosquito... to fatally infect Beijing's Tiger with an incurable pathogen...
So take heart fellow Filipinos... we may be a Mosquito to Beijing's Tiger... but it will only take one bite from our Mosquito... to fatally infect Beijing's Tiger with an incurable pathogen...
And by the looks of it... Beijing is already infected... with the pathogen of... GREED...
Unhappy Warrior (
Unhappy warrior
the author of this article got it all mixed up... the Philippine Military Establishment is currently seething at the humiliating international exposure of the sorry state of our armed forces... courtesy of Beijing's belligerent acts at Panatag Shoal and elsewhere in the West Philippine Sea... this was further aggravated by the ill-advised pull-out of our ships from Panatag Shoal... this is a cry for help from the Philippine Military Establishment to the civilian government of the country... to give them the means to defend the Republic from external threats... regardless of who it may be... but it seems the cry is falling on deaf ears...
the author of this article got it all mixed up... the Philippine Military Establishment is currently seething at the humiliating international exposure of the sorry state of our armed forces... courtesy of Beijing's belligerent acts at Panatag Shoal and elsewhere in the West Philippine Sea... this was further aggravated by the ill-advised pull-out of our ships from Panatag Shoal... this is a cry for help from the Philippine Military Establishment to the civilian government of the country... to give them the means to defend the Republic from external threats... regardless of who it may be... but it seems the cry is falling on deaf ears...
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Is it Time to Revive SEATO?
it seems that Beijing is visibly irked with the perceived "interference" of ASEAN in the on-going West Philippine Sea disputes... a Bejing Foreign Ministry spokesman was recently quoted as saying: "this South China Sea issue is not an issue between China and ASEAN, but between China and some ASEAN countries... hyping the South China Sea issue is against the common aspirations of the people and the main trends of the time to seek development and cooperation, and is an attempt to take China-ASEAN relations hostage."
surprisingly, i tend to agree with Beijing... because only a handful of ASEAN countries are directly embroiled in territorial disputes with Beijing.... the rest of ASEAN will have minimal motivation to rub the wrong way the 3rd largest economy in the world (EU is first, the US is second)...
perhaps it is time to create a new regional organization that is custom-tailored to address head-on the escalating military belligerence of Beijing in the West Philippine Sea... an organization built along the same lines as NATO... this is not really a new concept because there used to be a NATO clone in SE Asia... its name was SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)... but these are now different times... not all of SE Asia is poised for a military showdown with Beijing... and non-SEA countries like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea will logically have to be invited into this organization to ensure that it will have a respectable military muscle even if Uncle Sam is not in the neighborhood... so recycling SEATO as the name of the organization might no longer be a viable option... it's time to come up with a new name... Pacific Treaty Organization or PATO sounds like a more credible name... besides, PATO is the local term for "duck" in most Philippine dialects... so if war breaks out between Beijing and PATO... Filipino pundits can easily call it the Peking-Duck War...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
The New Domino Theory
Dwight Eisenhower is the acknowledged father of the theory... when he mentioned the "falling domino" phenomenon in a speech describing the geopolitical conditions in SE Asia in 1954...
Today, the Damocles Sword of the "Domino Theory" is once again hanging over the heads of the peoples of SE Asia... this time the "dominoes" are not the individual states of the Region... but the islands, islets, reefs and shoals of the West Philippine Sea... the Domino Toppler, however, is still the same... Beijing...
Today, the Damocles Sword of the "Domino Theory" is once again hanging over the heads of the peoples of SE Asia... this time the "dominoes" are not the individual states of the Region... but the islands, islets, reefs and shoals of the West Philippine Sea... the Domino Toppler, however, is still the same... Beijing...
This time, Beijing's primary weapon is no longer the Little Red Book of Chairman Mao... but real weapons for real wars... destroyers, nuclear submarines, stealth aircraft, and aircraft carriers... backed by a Very Fat Checkbook...
Beijing now not only comes carrying a Big Stick... but to the delight of corrupt national leaders all over the world, with a Very Big Carrot as well...
Gone were the days of "you have nothing to lose but your chains and bonds"... "the meek shall inherit the earth but not its mineral rights" is now the new battlecry of Beijing...
The first Philippine domino fell when we lost Mischief Reef... now the second domino, Panatag Shoal, is also about to fall... next will probably be Recto Bank... then Pag-asa Island... and then... what will stop Beijing from grabbing Palawan?
Or even the Entire Country?
American Right to PNoy: Send Back Ships to Panatag Shoal
according to the Philippine Star, The Heritage Foundation had just issued a statement urging Malacanang to send back ships to Panatag Shoal... to those not in the know, The Heritage Foundation is known as one of the unofficial mouthpieces of the American Right... the Foundation's statement was quite strong... “If allowed to stand, the current turn in the situation – that is, the Chinese left alone to represent its sovereignty claim in Scarborough (or Panatag Shoal as it is referred to by Manila) – is a defeat for both the Philippines and the US...” and here's more... "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s participation in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) meetings in Cambodia this week was a prime opportunity for the US to let China and Southeast Asia know that it will not allow this one-sided bargain to stand. It was also an opportunity for Clinton to reinforce the red line that the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty draws around the Philippines, its armed forces, and public vessels"... this is your cue to deploy back those ships PNoy... if Beijing touches even just the hair of our naval personnel... all hell will break loose...
ASEAN wants UN law to settle West PHL Sea dispute (
ASEAN wants UN law to settle West PHL Sea dispute
this is the most equitable way to settle these disputes... unfortunately, Beijing will probably end up losing all of its ridiculous territorial claims if it goes along with this proposal... so it is highly doubtful whether Beijing would be willing to play ball with ASEAN using UN Law... it will continue to insist in settling these issues in a bilateral manner... in which case, the next step for ASEAN would be to file a class-action case for arbitration with the proper UN-recognized judicial body... with or without Beijing... this will be a very, very big leap for ASEAN... and will likely determine its long-term viability as a regional geo-political force...
this is the most equitable way to settle these disputes... unfortunately, Beijing will probably end up losing all of its ridiculous territorial claims if it goes along with this proposal... so it is highly doubtful whether Beijing would be willing to play ball with ASEAN using UN Law... it will continue to insist in settling these issues in a bilateral manner... in which case, the next step for ASEAN would be to file a class-action case for arbitration with the proper UN-recognized judicial body... with or without Beijing... this will be a very, very big leap for ASEAN... and will likely determine its long-term viability as a regional geo-political force...
Monday, July 9, 2012
Military losing sight of its primary role—to fight and win wars (
Military losing sight of its primary role—to fight and win wars
“A nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by fools.” (Thucydides)
“A nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by fools.” (Thucydides)
West Philippine Sea Surveillance Flights Should be Partially-Based at Pag-asa Island
now that West Philippine Sea surveillance flights is the subject of morning-cofee discussions... the GRP should ensure that Pag-asa Island shall be one of the take-off bases of these flights... this will not only strengthen our sovereignty over the Island and the rest of our Spratly possessions... but hasten the infrastructure development of these territories as well... as to who will be actually flying what... let us keep Beijing guessing for a while...
Chinese invasion of SE Asia - will history repeat itself?
Some people are now worried that Beijing is itching for a limited war to consolidate her West Philippine Sea claims... i tend to agree... but Beijing is also looking for a war that she is guaranteed to win...
And that is only possible if Uncle Sam is guaranteed not to intervene... because despite the much-ballyhoed modernization the PLAN has recently undergone, it would lose all of its blue-water capability within a day (maybe even less) in an all-out conventional war against the US Navy... and Beijing knows that only perfectly too well...
As to the appetite of the US of A for war... just bear in mind that the US Military Establishment has been on a consistent war footing since 1941... that's 74 years and still counting... by contrast, the People's Republic of China is only 66 years old... and has never fought a blue-water war against a major power in her entire existence...
Peersonally, i feel sad at all this Beijing fear-mongering in the Philippine media... i have never seen such a high level of inferiority complex in a country with a population of more than 100 million people... probably because they don't know much about the history of SE Asia...
For the record... the first and last time a military force based in China (i am stating it this way because it was the Mongol rulers of China who actually orchestrated the invasion) tried to invade SE Asia in the 13th Century... it ended in total humiliation for the invaders...
Will history repeat itself?
Booming Southeast Asia in a quandary over US-China rivalry (
Booming Southeast Asia in a quandary over US-China rivalry
this so-called "quandary" is primarily fueled by the vested political and economic interests of the ruling elite of certain ASEAN countries... for the man on the street in ASEAN, the choice is quite obvious... side with Beijing and expect to end up living like North Koreans... side with Washington and expect to end up living like South Koreans...
this so-called "quandary" is primarily fueled by the vested political and economic interests of the ruling elite of certain ASEAN countries... for the man on the street in ASEAN, the choice is quite obvious... side with Beijing and expect to end up living like North Koreans... side with Washington and expect to end up living like South Koreans...
Shameful Philippine UN vote on Syria (
Shameful Philippine UN vote on Syria
this columnist is looking for the outrage on this vote... that's why i'm posting a link on this issue for the second time... the Philippines is the 12th largest country in the world in terms of population... but we are maybe the 150th country in the world in terms of a country's ability to stand up to what it believe is right in an international forum... and this clearly shows not only in our two Syria votes... but in our flip-flopping diplomatic response to Beijing's occupation of Panatag Shoal... if our Syrian votes are examples of "Quiet Diplomacy" at work... then our West Philippine Sea territorial claims are doomed...
this columnist is looking for the outrage on this vote... that's why i'm posting a link on this issue for the second time... the Philippines is the 12th largest country in the world in terms of population... but we are maybe the 150th country in the world in terms of a country's ability to stand up to what it believe is right in an international forum... and this clearly shows not only in our two Syria votes... but in our flip-flopping diplomatic response to Beijing's occupation of Panatag Shoal... if our Syrian votes are examples of "Quiet Diplomacy" at work... then our West Philippine Sea territorial claims are doomed...
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Flash point heightened by secret diplomacy (
Flash point heightened by secret diplomacy
they are not trying to hide this from Beijing (who probably has an army of paid informants in the GRP bureaucracy)... they are trying to hide this from the Filipino People... who they still think were just born yesterday...
they are not trying to hide this from Beijing (who probably has an army of paid informants in the GRP bureaucracy)... they are trying to hide this from the Filipino People... who they still think were just born yesterday...
"Quiet Diplomacy" is "Fruitcake Diplomacy"
Sen. Joker Arroyo has just suggested today that our territorial disputes with Beijing should be resolved through "Quiet Diplomacy"... i beg to disagree Sen. Arroyo...
the use of "Quiet Diplomacy" when your territory has already been grabbed by another country is the foreign policy equivalent of a woman asking for child support from the man who raped her...
if we seriously believe in our hearts that Panatag Shoal and the rest of our territorial claims in the West Philippine Sea are rightfully ours, then we should defend it with everything we have...
because if Panatag Shoal is really ours (and i believe that is the case), what would be the difference between the occupation by a foreign invader of Panatag Shoal, and the occupation by a foreign invader of say, Palawan?... would you still recommend "Quiet Diplomacy" if Beijing occupies Palawan?... would you also first wait for the US go signal before going to war if Beijing occupies Palawan?...
i used to admire your for your heroic stance during the Martial Law years... but it appears that you too, like some people in our political elite, are only KingKongs when facing fellow Filipino adversaries... when faced by powerful foreign adversaries... you turn into Bambis...
by now, the rest of the world is starting to think that the 12th largest country in the world is governed by a bunch of fruitcakes... and i'm sure Beijing is very, very thankful for that...
The Nuke-Free ASEAN Protocol water pipe dream
the US, China, Russia, Britain and France are supposed to pledge in writing at Phnom Penh that ASEAN will be nuke-free... it did not happen... but it is not really surprising... the West Philipine Sea boundaries of ASEAN is currently embroiled in competing territorial disputes... and China is a major party to all these disputes... ASEAN countries with territorial claims in the West Philippine Sea will insist that their claims should be treated as part of ASEAN territory... and, therefore, should be covered by the Nuke-Free Protocol... Beijing, on the other hand, will insist otherwise... and because they think that the entire territory is theirs, Beijing expects the rest of the world to accept as a fait accompli the West Philippine Sea deployment of the full-range of nuclear weapons in Beijing's arsenal... so the Virginia and Los Angeles subs of the USN will have to keep re-surfacing once in a while... just to remind Beijing that, yes, you may have nukes... but yours are not the biggest and most accurate ones in the neighborhood... reassuring... but there goes our Nuke-Free ASEAN Protocol water pipe dream...
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Filipino soldiers’ story of Korean War: Valor redux (
Filipino soldiers’ story of Korean War: Valor redux
we have tangled with the forces of Beijing before... in the defense of South Korea's freedom... and look at where South Korea is now... it is also interesting to note that Filipino troops once occupied Pyongyang... maybe we will get another chance someday...
we have tangled with the forces of Beijing before... in the defense of South Korea's freedom... and look at where South Korea is now... it is also interesting to note that Filipino troops once occupied Pyongyang... maybe we will get another chance someday...
US seeks to reduce tensions in South China Sea | ABS-CBN News
US seeks to reduce tensions in South China Sea | ABS-CBN News
obviously, the key to the reduction of tensions is Beijing... which is the mother of all these tensions in the first place... as correctly summed up in the closing statement of this article: "China claims nearly all of the South China Sea, even waters close to the coasts of neighbouring countries."
obviously, the key to the reduction of tensions is Beijing... which is the mother of all these tensions in the first place... as correctly summed up in the closing statement of this article: "China claims nearly all of the South China Sea, even waters close to the coasts of neighbouring countries."
‘It’s West Philippine Sea’ (
‘It’s West Philippine Sea’
this is in direct response to Beijing's claim that the entire South China Sea is theirs on the basis of the word "China"... the rest of the world can just hope that India will not claim the Indian Ocean as theirs too...
this is in direct response to Beijing's claim that the entire South China Sea is theirs on the basis of the word "China"... the rest of the world can just hope that India will not claim the Indian Ocean as theirs too...
Philippines abstains anew on UN vote on Syria | ABS-CBN News
Philippines abstains anew on UN vote on Syria | ABS-CBN News
we refuse to support a major US initiative like this... but we expect the US to come to our aid if Beijing attacks us... i think this line of thinking is contrary to the traditional Filipino trait of "Utang na Loob"....
we refuse to support a major US initiative like this... but we expect the US to come to our aid if Beijing attacks us... i think this line of thinking is contrary to the traditional Filipino trait of "Utang na Loob"....
Aquino’s order: Keep government plans secret (
Aquino’s order: Keep government plans secret
it is a valid "waiting move"... but sooner or later Malacanang will have to stand up and deliver... besides, a country does not really have many options against what Walden Bello calls a "virtual annexation"... when the West responded to Hitler's annexation moves in the mid-30s by looking the other way to avoid outright war... all they got in return was a few years of Phyrric peace... and then came WWII...
it is a valid "waiting move"... but sooner or later Malacanang will have to stand up and deliver... besides, a country does not really have many options against what Walden Bello calls a "virtual annexation"... when the West responded to Hitler's annexation moves in the mid-30s by looking the other way to avoid outright war... all they got in return was a few years of Phyrric peace... and then came WWII...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
MVP warned on China energy deal in Spratlys (
there must some kind of pressure on MVP to explore this deal... obviously, it is ill-advised... CNOOC is not a Chevron, ExxonMobil or even Philex Mining, which are all privately-owned entities... CNOOC is a state-owned entity... and, therefore, is expected to dance to the tune of its controlling state... a state which is currently embroiled in an escalating territorial dispute with MVP's home country... would you share your potential riches with a neighbor who just forcefully occupied your backyard and is currently eyeing your front lawn?... it defies all logic and common sense... and MVP is known as a man who has better logic and common sense than most of us...
there must some kind of pressure on MVP to explore this deal... obviously, it is ill-advised... CNOOC is not a Chevron, ExxonMobil or even Philex Mining, which are all privately-owned entities... CNOOC is a state-owned entity... and, therefore, is expected to dance to the tune of its controlling state... a state which is currently embroiled in an escalating territorial dispute with MVP's home country... would you share your potential riches with a neighbor who just forcefully occupied your backyard and is currently eyeing your front lawn?... it defies all logic and common sense... and MVP is known as a man who has better logic and common sense than most of us...
Philippines protests China’s moving in on Macclesfield Bank (
Philippines protests China’s moving in on Macclesfield Bank
Beijing is now in a "now or never" mood vis-a-vis the West Philippine Sea... and only US military might stands in its way...
Beijing is now in a "now or never" mood vis-a-vis the West Philippine Sea... and only US military might stands in its way...
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
China, Vatican face off over bishop’s consecration (
China, Vatican face off over bishop’s consecration
i guess Beijing is trying to build a parallel world within its 9-Dash Line... is this a modern-day manifestation of "The Great Wall Syndrome"?....
i guess Beijing is trying to build a parallel world within its 9-Dash Line... is this a modern-day manifestation of "The Great Wall Syndrome"?....
Soldier of Fortune Mag's take on the West Philippine Sea disputes
the August 2012 issue of Soldier of Fortune Magazine had just hit the newstands... it contains an extensive article on the Panatag Shoal stand-off, together with pictures of the frontline ships of the Philippine Navy (see p. 32), as well as the plethora of issues that is now swirling in the West Philippine Sea (call it South China Sea, if you want to make Beijing smile)... the closing lines of the article identifies the possible courses of action that could diffuse this impending geo-political crisis: "...withdrawal from the Philippines in the early 1990s has now left America's ally facing a threat to its interests on its own... addressing this over the long term may require either the return of American forces to the Philippines, or the creation of a multi-national defense organization along the lines of NATO."... thank you for the coverage SOF...
'China's claims in Spratlys groundless' | ABS-CBN News
'China's claims in Spratlys groundless' | ABS-CBN News
please remember the correct year when Beijing's 9-Dash Line was created... 1948... by contrast, the People's Republic was established in 1949... was recognized by the UN only in 1971... was recognized by the Philippines only in 1975... was recognized by the US only in 1979... and is now claiming to have owned the entire West Philippine Sea since thousands of years ago... =[:->]
please remember the correct year when Beijing's 9-Dash Line was created... 1948... by contrast, the People's Republic was established in 1949... was recognized by the UN only in 1971... was recognized by the Philippines only in 1975... was recognized by the US only in 1979... and is now claiming to have owned the entire West Philippine Sea since thousands of years ago... =[:->]
Chinese ships hold maneuvers in Spratlys | ABS-CBN News
Chinese ships hold maneuvers in Spratlys | ABS-CBN News
"it will add to China’s difficulty in taking back the island as more kids are accommodated at the school"... let us thank Beijing for being brutally frank about its true long-term intentions... another reality check for the "appeasionists" in Malacanang...
"it will add to China’s difficulty in taking back the island as more kids are accommodated at the school"... let us thank Beijing for being brutally frank about its true long-term intentions... another reality check for the "appeasionists" in Malacanang...
Enrile’s Charter change solution to PH security draws mixed reactions (
Enrile’s Charter change solution to PH security draws mixed reactions
even ex-military men like Sen. Honasan and Sen. Trillanes are starting to tip-toe around Beijing's West Philippine Sea claims... luckily, not JPE... now, the powers-that-be are starting to realize how ridiculous was the idea of enshrining the country's budgetary priorities in the constitution... the price the nation shall have pay for the lack of geo-political foresight of its "re-founding fathers" back in 86-87... do not back down on your amendment proposition JPE... you will be surpised at the level of popular support you will get...
Honasan: Spy planes not enough, bring US military to West Philippine Sea (
Honasan: Spy planes not enough, bring US military to West Philippine Sea
wrong answer Sen. Honasan... there should always be a Philippine component to the defense of our West Philippine Sea territories... let the US run the recon flights... but let the PAF and/or the PN run the initial interdiction... the full might of US military firepower should only serve as the option of last resort... this national habit of shirking responsibility for our national defense has got to stop... and the right time to do it... is now... courtesy of the favorable geo-political conditions created by Beijing's premature territorial grab... if our national leadership can procure top-of the-line weapon systems for the AFP, there is no doubt in my mind that our fighting men can hold their own against Beijing's stormtroopers in the West Philippine Sea...
Rep. Biazon: We need to show PH flag in shoal (
Rep. Biazon: We need to show PH flag in shoal
this is a subtle message from the Philippine Military Establishment... they probably feel that Malacanang is entertaining thoughts of physically abandoning our Panatag Shoal territory... this time, the chosen messenger is one who is beyond Malacanang's capability to gag... i hope PNoy is listening very, very well... thank you General...
this is a subtle message from the Philippine Military Establishment... they probably feel that Malacanang is entertaining thoughts of physically abandoning our Panatag Shoal territory... this time, the chosen messenger is one who is beyond Malacanang's capability to gag... i hope PNoy is listening very, very well... thank you General...
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