Thursday, December 31, 2015

Has anyone heard of Superpower China?

RP's decision to join AIIB - Where is the SHAME?

Despite all the support we got from the US in blunting Communist China's creeping invasion in the WPS... We still ignored her request not to join the Communist China-led AIIB (Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank).

Our Political Elite just do not have the mental and moral strength to resist Communist China's 30 pieces of silver!

This will have serious repercussions in Capitol Hill.

This will also embolden Communist China to be more aggressive in the conduct of her on-going creeping invasion.

With this kind of mindset in our Political Elite, Our Country is not going anywhere... 

Is it time for a major change?

Happy New Year to all Philippians!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

AFFLUENZA - the malady afflicting Communist China

The term "Affluenza" has been hitting US headlines lately.  Thanks and no thanks to Texas 16-year old Ethan Couch who killed 4 innocents during an alcohol-induced car crash in 2013.

Contrary to popular belief, the term is not a recent one. It has been around since the 1970s.

But it was used for the first time in court during the sentencing phase of Couch's trial. According to a psychologist, Couch is suffering from Affluenza - a state of irresponsibility induced by the comforts provided by the wealth of his parents. As a result, he can no longer even distinguish between what is right, and what is wrong.

In short, Wealth made him bat-shit crazy!

But does this psychological condition afflict individuals only?

I don't think so...

It can even afflict the Leadership of a country of 1.5 billion people. The serious symptoms of which are the following:

1. Attempting to rewrite History.

2. Drawing imaginary dashes on Maps.

3. Attempting to replace the current Global Currency with your own.

4. Bribing other countries to replace their currency with yours.

5. Creating artificial islands in international waters.

6. Grabbing your neighbors' territory.

7. Deliberately destroying coral reefs and other marine life.

8. Calling for the disbandment of the most powerful security alliance in the world.

I could go on forever.

But I think I have made my point.

It is indeed a serious mental illness.

And Communist China appears be suffering from Affluenza...

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The "Kalayaan Ten Thousand" made it!!!

Okay... Okay... Only 47 physically made it to Pag-asa Island...

But in the eyes of Communist China that's already 47 too many!

This is a clear message to Communist China (and the rest of the World) that, as a People, we are going to oppose this Invasion. Even without the support of our National Government!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in this endeavor!

Thank you Malacanang for getting out of the way...

I first saw the news of this event on a US network. So this is definitely getting international coverage.

Let us maintain the momentum generated by this effort.

The next logical move would be to open Pag-asa Island to tourism...

Let us start behaving as a People... That the Kalayaan Island Group...

Is really Our Own!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

SITREP 2015 DEC 20 - Communist China Nine-Front War on the Western World Order

The Situation as of Sunday, December 20, 2015:

1. European Security

a. Poland volunteers to assume responsibillity for the 200 B-61 US atomic bombs currently based in Germany.

b. NATO offers Alliance membership to Montenegro.

2. Middle Eastern Security

a. Communist China called for the close cooperation of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) member states in fighting security threats coming from the Islamic State (IS). SCO member countries include Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. India and Pakistan are expected to join SCO next year. Belarus, Afghanistan, Iran and Mongolia have observer status. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Nepal are dialogue partners.

b. Communist China supported the draft UNSC resolution for the peace process in Syria.

3. Asia-Pacific Trade

a. According to the US Defense Secretary, the TPP is as important as having another aircraft carrier.

4. Global Finance

a. Goldman Sachs closes its main BRIC (BRICS less South Africa) investment fund.

b. The Communist Chinese Yuan joins the US Dollar, Euro, UK Pound, and Japanese Yen as the official reserves of the world.

5. Global Currency

a. Communist China has a special military unit tasked solely with acquiring Gold for the country.

b. Communist China will launch a Yuan Gold Benchmark in April 2016.

6. African Trade

a. A Communist Chinese company will build a steel pipe plant in Nigeria.

b. Communist China and Kenya sign aid agreements.

7. NE Asian Territories

a. Japan will deploy ASMs, SAMs and thousands of additional troops on her islands in the East China Sea.

b. Communist China protests new US weapon sales to Taiwan.

8. Western Pacific Security

a. Japan and Australia re-affirm their opposition to any military build-up in the South China Sea.

b. US P-8 Poseidons conduct South China Sea patrols from Singapore.

9. SE Asian Territories

a. Communist China buys Russian SU-35s to patrol the South China Sea.

b. Philippine Congress rejects the proposed additional budget for the Country's acquisition of MRFs.

c. Deliberate destruction of corals and other marine life by Communist China in the Philippines' Kalayaan Island Group exposed.

d. US Pacific Fleet Commander warns of the possible use of force in settling territorial disputes in the region.

Original Post (at the Asymmetric Warfare Files blog):

The World Order War (WOW) can be divided into two (2) Sub-Wars - the Putin Russia Sub-War, and the Communist China Sub-War.

The Communist China Sub-War has currently Nine (9) Fronts:

1. European Security - Communist China wants to replace NATO with a  New World Security Organization (whatever that means);

2. Middle Eastern Security - Communist China establishes naval facilities at Djibouti to challenge Western Military Power in the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Mediterranean;

3. Asia-Pacific Trade - Communist China wants to establish the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) to rival the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP);

4. Global Finance - Communist China establishes the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to rival the Western- established International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), and Asian Development Bank (ADB);

5. Global Currency - Communist China wants to replace the US Dollar with the Yuan as the primary International Currency;

6. African Trade -  Communist China wants to replace Western aid efforts in Africa with her own package of grants, loans, debt forgiveness, and student scholarships (which would encourage the African Student Elite to learn Chinese languge and culture);

7. Northeast Asian Territories - Communist China wants to replace the Western-established territorial boundaries  with her own "ancient historical boundaries" (again, whatever that means), and challenge Japanese Military Power in the process;

8. Western Pacific Security - Communist China establishes a Carrier-Based Naval Force to challenge US Military Power; and

9. Southeast Asian Territories - Communist China invades Philippine territory and manufactures fake islands to replace the Western-established territorial boundaries in the South China Sea with her own self-manufactured and clearly-fraudulent Nine-Dash Line, and challenge US Military Power in the process.

Take note that, of these Nine (9) Fronts, Communist China has been the most successful with respect to Front No. 9...

The Invasion of the Philippines.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Why a Russia-NATO War would be relevant to the Philippines?

Some Filipino Patriots think that the on-going frictions between NATO and Russia (over Turkey, Syria, Ukraine, Crimea, Georgia, etc.) are of minimal relevance to Philippines.


If NATO goes to war against Russia, Uncle Sam goes to war against Russia too.

Fortunately or unforunately, the Philippines has a 64-year Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) with Uncle Sam.

Instead of explaining the implications of the MDT vis-a-vis any Russia-NATO War, I have presented below the full text of the MDT.

Now read it line-by-line carefully.

Then close your eyes and ask yourself:

How high is the probability that the Philippines will be compelled to fight on the side of NATO in case of a Russia-NATO War?

Between the
and the

The Parties of this Treaty

Reaffirming their faith in the purpose and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments, and desiring to strengthen the fabric of peace in the Pacific area.

Recalling with mutual pride the historic relationship which brought their two peoples together in a common bond of sympathy and mutual ideals to fight side-by-side against imperialist aggression during the last war.

Desiring to declare publicly and formally their sense of unity and their common determination to defend themselves against external armed attack, so that no potential aggressor could be under the illusion that either of them stands alone in the Pacific area.

Desiring further to strengthen their present efforts for collective defense for the preservation of peace and security pending the development of a more comprehensive system of regional security in the Pacific area.

Agreeing that nothing in this present instrument shall be considered or interpreted as in any way or sense altering or diminishing any existing agreements or understandings between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America.  

Have agreed as follows:

ARTICLE I.  The parties undertake as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and to refrain in their international relation from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.  

ARTICLE II. In order more effectively to achieve the objective of this Treaty, the Parties separately and jointly by self-help and mutual aid will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.  

ARTICLE III. The Parties, through their Foreign Ministers or their deputies, will consult together from time to time regarding the implementation of this Treaty and whenever in the opinion of either of them the territorial integrity, political independence or security of either of the Parties is threatened by external armed attack in the Pacific.  

ARTICLE IV.  Each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific area on either of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common dangers in accordance with its constitutional processes.  

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall be immediately reported to the Security Council of the United Nations. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.  

ARTICLE V.  For purposes of ARTICLE IV, an armed attack on either of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on the metropolitan territory of either of the Parties, or on the island territories under its jurisdiction in the Pacific Ocean, its armed forces, public vessels or aircraft in the Pacific.  

ARTICLE VI. This Treaty does not affect and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations of the parties under the Charter of the United Nations or the responsibility of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security.  

ARTICLE VII.  This Treaty shall be ratified by the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America in accordance with their respective constitutional processes and will come into force when instruments of ratification thereof have been exchanged by them at Manila.  

ARTICLE VIII. This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely. Either Party may terminate it one year after notice has been given to the other party.
In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty.chanrobles virtualawlibrary

Done in duplicate at Washington this thirtieth day of August, 1951.

For the Republic of the Philippines:
For the United States of America:

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Malacanang should support the 10,000-Youth Kalayaan Journey!!!

Accusations have been publicly made that the National Government are not-so-discreetly preventing this crusade from reaching Pag-asa Island.

I will not even bother to point an accusatory finger at the specific agencies involved. Obviously, they are just following orders.

The buck stops squarely at Malacanang.

What is Malacanang's motive for doing this?

In order not to anger Communist China?

I thought we are past that issue already?

We have already hauled their greedy ass to the Court of World Opinion. Other than opening fire on their illegal occupation troops on those fake islands, I cannot think of anything that could possibly make them even more angry.

So I think, this is just another manifestation of our Risk-Averse Mentality as a people.

Malacanang does not just want to take any more risk vis-a-vis Communist China. Although Malacanang had no choice but to align herself with Uncle Sam in the World Order War (WOW), at the back of her mind, there is this "What if Communist China wins?" fear. This explains our seemingly two-steps-forward, one-step-backward approach to Military Modernization (e.g. we bought the ships but not the ASMs; we bought the jets but not the SAMs, etc.).

It is time to come to your senses Malacanang! We are on the winning side in the WOW. Morally and Militarily. So shed your Psychological baggage. Focus on winning this War!

The 10,000-Youth Kalayaan Journey will go a long way in elevating the visibility of the West Philippine Sea Front in the WOW. The mere ability to muster this number of Filipino Youth for this Patriotic Cause is already a Moral and Psychological Victory over Communist China!

If the Weather and the Site Logistics are the main obstacles that prevent them from completing their Journey, allow them to just fly-in a symbolic number of representatives to Pag-asa Island.  But the bottom line is... 

They must complete this Journey!

And the main obstacle to their Journey cannot be the President of the Republic!

#WestPhilippineSea #OccupyPanatagShoal #NineDashLineFraud #ChinaGoHome #Spratlys #WorldOrderWar #KalayaanTenThousand

Monday, November 30, 2015

Welcome to WOW...

Communist China had just signed a 10-year basing agreement at Djibouti for the PLA Navy. This naval facility is literally right next to an air base which Uncle Sam is also currently leasing from Djibouti. Essentially, Communist China is preparing the groundwork for challenging US military supremacy in the Indian Ocean, the Horn of Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the entire Middle East itself.

What are the implications of this development on our on-going territorial conflicts with Communist China in the West Philippine Sea? Read on:

1. Communist China's creeping invasion in the West Philippine Sea is not about some ancient historical claim. It is just a localized manifestation of the over-aching ambition of Communist China of replacing Our World Order with her own World Order.

Even if we win our UNCLOS case, therefore, expect Communist China to stay put on her fake islands in the Spratlys... Until we find some other way to kick her out!

2. Geographically, the entire world is the battleground of this World Order War (shall we call it WOW?). Battlefield losses of Our World Order in far-off lands (e.g. Syria) will also have adverse effects on our own West Philippine Sea battlefront.

Therefore, although the West Philippine Sea is the primary focus of our advocacy, we should always be ready to defend Our World Order. Anytime... Anywhere... Anyhow... Yes, even in Cyberspace!

3. This War will not only be fought Militarily. It will also be fought Politically and Financially.

In fact, if we can degrade the ability of Communist China to challenge Our World Order Financially and Politically, there might even be no need to bring out the Guns.

4. Just like the Cold War, we do not know how long WOW will last.

We will just have to continuously advance the interest of Our World Order financially, politically, and militarily...

Until the other side cries: No mas!

Welcome to WOW...


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Kalayaan Journey of 10,000 Filipino Students - No reaction at all from our 2016 Presidentiables?

If the latest news are to be believed, all systems are go for the Kalayaan Journey of 10,000 Filipino students. They will depart for the Kalayaan Island Group on Tuesday, December 1, 2015.

In the annals of Philippine student activism, I can think of only one act which is more ambitious than this. And that is when Filipino student leaders under the leadership of the late VP Doy Laurel, rented their own ship (most of them must have come from well-to-do families) and tried to sail for Indonesia to join Indonesians in their war of independence against the Dutch (back then, the Malaya Irredenta dream was still very strong). As I understand it, Malacanang (and probably their horrified parents) prevented them from boarding their ship at the Manila Harbor at the last minute.

So I am a bit surprised that I have not heard any comment, whether positive or negative, from our leading 2016 Presidential Candidates. Let us make a quick roll call of them (in alphabetical order):

Jejomar Binay - no comment
Rodrigo Duterte - no comment
Grace Poe-Llamanzares - no comment
Manuel Roxas II - no comment
Miriam Defensor-Santiago - no comment

Is this an indication of the Level of Patriotism of our leading Presidential Candidates?

And also an indication of the level of political support our West Philippine Sea advocacy can expect to get from the New Occupant of Malacanang, once PNoy steps down next year?

No wonder Communist China has no respect for us at all...

#WestPhilippineSea #KalayaanTenThousand #NineDashLineFraud #OccupyPanatagShoal

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Leper Colony and the West Philippine Sea, a possible Doomsday scenario...

"Leper Colony" was the name of the fictional B-52 Stratofortress which triggered the end of the world in Stanley Kubrick's black-and-white award-winning film classic, "Dr. Strangelove".

Piloted by the swashbuckling Texan Maj. T.J. "King" Kong, despite the US-assisted efforts by Russian Air Defense to shoot her down, Leper Colony managed to survive and deliver her payload of atom bombs to her Russian target. Thereby, triggering the detonation of Russia's Doomsday Bomb, a bunch of buried thermonuclear devices jacketed with Cobalt-Thorium G, which would blanket the world with lethal radiation for the next 93 years.

The plane became the poster boy of Nuclear Armaggedon and Doomsday during the Cold War.

As reports started to filter-in that the garrisons stationed on China's fake islands in the Spratlys challenged the US B-52 which overflew them, the black-and-white image of the Leper Colony charging headlong to her appointment with Destiny immediately flashed before me.

Was Stanley Kubrick right all along that the end of the world will be triggered by a B-52 Stratofortress?


Saturday, November 21, 2015

We finished the job in Kuala Lumpur!!!

I think we have achieved our ultimate goal in the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur.

Both US Pres. Barack Obama and Philippine Pres. Benigno Aquino, Jr. raised the issue of China's territorial grab in the Spratlys at every opportunity.

And ASEAN came out with a joint statement condemning, in thinly-veiled words, China's fake islands in the Spratlys.

But do not take my word for it.

Please read the complete text of the Joint Statement on the ASEAN-US Strategic Partnership presented below, and form your own judgment.



Joint Statement on the ASEAN-U.S. Strategic Partnership

We, Heads of State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United States of America, gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 21 November 2015 for the 3rd ASEAN-U.S. Summit. Today, we elevated our relationship to the ASEAN-U.S. Strategic Partnership to strengthen the role our relationship plays in realising this common vision of a peaceful, prosperous Asia-Pacific region that offers security, opportunity and dignity to all its citizens. 

The ASEAN-United States relationship has expanded dramatically since formal relations began in 1977. The United States acceded to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia in 2009, was the first non-ASEAN country to appoint a resident Ambassador to ASEAN in 2010, and joined the East Asia Summit in 2011.  We institutionalised annual ASEAN-U.S. Summits in 2012. 

We recognise that our relationship is grounded in shared principles, including the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and the ASEAN Charter.  We are committed to a rules-based approach in Asia, respect for international law and the peaceful resolution of disputes. Our partnership is committed to strengthening democracy, enhancing good governance and the rule of law, promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, encouraging the promotion of tolerance and moderation, and protecting the environment. 

ASEAN and the United States dedicate themselves to the ASEAN integration process and to building a strong, stable, politically cohesive, economically integrated, socially responsible, and a people-oriented, people-centred ASEAN Community, as reflected in the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and its Blueprints. In realizing these objectives, we will also work together to strengthen ASEAN connectivity and narrow the development gap, including through development cooperation. 

Further we are dedicated to ASEAN Centrality in the evolving rules-based regional architecture of the Asia-Pacific.  We recognise the important role we have each played, and that we have played together, in maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. 

Today we usher in a new era for our relationship as we come together to set a path for our future partnership with shared goals and priorities. We welcome the adoption of the Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN-United States Strategic Partnership (2016-2020) to further strengthen this partnership, particularly within the five priority areas of cooperation, namely, economic integration, maritime cooperation, transnational challenges including climate change, emerging leaders and women’s opportunities. We will continue to cooperate through important ASEAN-led mechanisms such as the East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum, and ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus. We will also continue to engage through the Track 1.5 Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum.

We reaffirm the importance of maintaining peace and stability, ensuring maritime security and safety, and freedom of navigation including in and over-flight above the South China Sea. We reaffirm the collective commitments contained in the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) to ensure the resolution of disputes by peaceful means in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the relevant regulations, standards and recommended practices of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), without resorting to the threat or use of force and while exercising self-restraint in the conduct of activities.  We support ASEAN-China on-going efforts to fully and effectively implement the DOC in its entirety, and to work toward the expeditious conclusion of an effective Code of Conduct (COC). 
The ASEAN-U.S. strategic partnership will also play an increasingly prominent global role in tackling transnational challenges.  We will build on existing cooperation such as the 2014 ASEAN-U.S. Joint Statement on Climate Change, and will work together to address challenging global issues such as terrorism, violent extremism, climate change, environmental degradation and pollution, energy, infectious diseases, disarmament, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cybersecurity, trafficking in persons, illicit trafficking of wildlife and timber, and illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing. 
As to economics, American firms have been the largest cumulative investors in Southeast Asia, creating millions of jobs in the United States and in ASEAN Member States, while investment in America from Southeast Asia has increased more than from any other region in the past decade.  The ASEAN Economic Community will create many further opportunities for our citizens as it binds the region more closely together.  Going forward, we will work towards increasing two-way trade and investment, promoting trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation, encouraging sustainable and inclusive economic growth and job creation, and deepening connectivity. We also reaffirm our Leaders’ commitment to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Our people-to-people ties are more robust than ever with millions of our citizens crossing to each other’s shores every year.  We endeavour to continue to strengthen these linkages and cultural ties, especially among young people, as well as to promote opportunities for all our peoples, particularly the most vulnerable.

Today we dedicate ourselves anew to bringing security and opportunity to our peoples and addressing emerging regional and global challenges in the continued promotion of a peaceful, stable, integrated, and prosperous Asia-Pacific community. 

Adopted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on the Twenty-First Day of November of the Year Two Thousand and Fifteen.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Let us finish the job in Kuala Lumpur...

US President Barack Obama did deliver a one-two punch against Xi Jinping at the recently-concluded 2015 APEC Leaders' Meeting in Manila. But the expected coup-de-grace in the form of an APEC Joint Statement condemning China's recent reclamation activities in the Spratlys did not materialize.

After the wolf pack terror attacks in Paris last week, the momentum was just not there.

Nevertheless, the Red Carpet Snub of Xi Jinping was a classic finesse move. I hope Beijing got the message loud and clear.

Since we fired the opening salvos in Manila, let us finish the job, once and for all, at the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur.

This time, ASEAN should come up with a Joint Statement condemning China's entire Nine-Dash Line claim as a Fraud!

I just hope Kuala Lumpur will not buckle under intense Chinese diplomatic pressure...


Taiwan should respect the northern treaty boundaries of the Philippines!!!

I just saw this disturbing news today that, as part of the recently-concluded 2015 APEC Meeting in Manila, the Philippines entered into some kind of fishing agreement with Taiwan vis-a-vis our northern treaty boundaries.

Taiwan should respect our northern treaty boundaries. These boundaries have historically been recognized by the Empire of Japan, Taiwan's previous administrator, and predates the formation of the Taiwanese state.

Taiwan cannot invoke UNCLOS, because she is not a signatory to the said treaty. In fact, she is not even recognized by the UN as a state. She is just considered a rogue province of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Conceding any territory to Taiwan is legally the same as conceding territory to the PRC under international law.  And should Taiwan and the PRC reunite (and I'm sure they would one day), the territories we conceded to Taiwan would transfer to the PRC.

This so-called "fishing agreement", therefore, is just another thinly-disguised scheme to grab Philippine Territory in the strategic Basi Channel.

And as a living testament to the buffonery that is so widespread in Our Country nowadays, our National Government is playing along with the scheme.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

POTUS at Del Pilar - the opening salvo for an all-out diplomatic offensive against Beijing?

This picture speaks a million words on Washington's commitment to defend our territorial interests in the West Philippine Sea. Thank you President Barack Obama!

While our own National Government appeared to have wobbled under the intense diplomatic pressure exerted by Beijing... Uncle Sam didn't!

In fact, the sheer timing of the BRP Del Pilar visit by POTUS may indicate that, this is just the opening salvo in the all-out  diplomatic offensive that Washington will unleash against Beijing in the course of the 2015 APEC Leaders' Meeting.

This will be a very, very long week for Xi Jinping...


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Obama should call for a Joint APEC Statement condemning China's fake islands in the West Philippine Sea...

Based on recently-published accounts, the US will challenge China's fake West Philippine Sea territorial claims in next week's APEC Leaders' Meeting.

The White House is still vague, however, as to the nature and form of such challenge.

In my humble opinion, the best way to express such challenge is for the US to lead an effort to come up with a Joint APEC Statement condemning China's recent reclamation activities in the Spratlys.

Of course, China (and her sympathizers) will never sign such statement.  Nevertheless, if the number of signatories shall overwhelmingly outnumber the dissenters, it will send a clear message to China that she is well on her way on the road to diplomatic isolation as a result of her fake territorial claims.

And hopefully,  this will serve as a dose of cold reality to her that there will be no happy endings, as far as these fake territorial claims are concerned.

We are fast running out of diplomatic wiggle room on this issue.

This is probably one of the handful of non-lethal actions left...


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Why is Jokowi boycotting the APEC Meeting?

A few days ago, this blog raised an alarm on the rapid military build-up Jakarta is currently undertaking in the Natunas.

Yesterday, the possibility that Jakarta will file her own arbitration case against Beijing is all over the news.

Today, we just got this news that Jokowi (Indonesian President Joko Widodo) has decided not to attend next week's APEC Meeting in Manila.


I think Jakarta is not happy that Beijing's fraudulent Nine-Dash Line claim is not going to be officially included in the APEC Meeting agenda.

Manila foolishly gave-in to Beijing's wishes on the fraudulent Nine-Dash Line claim issue.

Jokowi's no-show performance is, therefore, maybe a snub on both Beijing and Manila.

What do you think?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Was "Palawan Shallows" another old name of the Spratlys?

In this map dated 1734, the Spratlys are labeled as "Paragua Vada"...

What is the English translation of the term?

I think it is "Paragua Shallows".

Or in modern terms... "Palawan Shallows".

Will someone who is an expert in the Spanish language please confirm or rebut  this...

But regardless of the accuracy of my translation, it clearly shows that the international community once considered the Spratlys as a part of Palawan...

And ergo... also a part of the Philippine Archipelago!!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Spratlys has an older Spanish name...

Above is a 1727 English map of the Philippine Islands... Take note that what appears to be the Spratly Islands off the coast of Palawan have already been named.  And it is not "Spratly"...

Richard Spratly would come into the picture more than 100 years later...

I cannot clearly read the old name of the Spratlys but it definitely appears to be Spanish.  In fact, the label "Spanish" appears right next to it.   

I think I am reading "Primero I." but someone with much sharper eyes could probably help me out on this.

Does this constitute prima facie evidence that the Spratlys are historically considered part of Las Islas Filipinas?

Take note that what is now the Philippine Sea is labeled as "Part of the Great South Sea"...

The "ancient and historical" (sarcasm definitely intended) South China Sea is nowhere to be found...

Sunday, November 8, 2015

For the 10,000 Filipino Youth who are going to the Kalayaan Islands...

"I believe and profess that a people never must value anything higher than the Dignity and Freedom of its existence;

That it must defend these with the last drop of its Blood;

That it has no duty more sacred and can obey no law that is higher;

That the shame of cowardly submission can never be wiped out;

That the poison of submission in the bloodstream of a people will be transmitted to its children, and paralyze and undermine the strength of later generations;

That Honor can be lost only once;

That, under most circumstances, a people is unconquerable if it fights a spirited struggle for its Liberty;

That a Bloody and Honorable fight assures the rebirth of the people even if Freedom is lost;

And that such a struggle is the Seed of Life from which a new tree inevitably will blossom."

(Carl von Clausewitz)


Saturday, November 7, 2015

What's up Jakarta?

Jakarta just made an announcement that she will be deploying seven (7) warships in the vicinity of the Natuna Islands.

An official statement was given that this is not due to the rising tensions in the South China Sea.

While no additional details on the breakdown of this force was provided, in all likelihood, it will be backboned by the Indonesian Navy's Exocet-armed frigates and corvettes (one of which is pictured above).

About two (2) months ago, Jakarta also increased the number of troops stationed in the Natuna Islands from 270 to 2,000.  That's a 641% increase.

And still prior to that, Jakarta also announced that a significant number of the AH-64 Apaches they will be acquiring from Uncle Sam will be based in the Natuna Islands.

What's up Jakarta?

What do you know that we don't?

Treaty of Washington of 1900 (complete text)

Treaty Between the Kingdom Spain and the United States of America forCession of Outlying Islands of the Philippines [1900]*
Relinquishment of islands to the United States.
The United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain, in the name of Her August Son, Don Alfonso XIII, desiring to remove any ground of misunderstanding growing out of the interpretation of Article III of the Treaty of Peace concluded between them at Paris the tenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight, whereby Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands and comprehending the islands lying within certain described lines, and having resolved to conclude a Treaty to accomplish that end, have for that purpose appointed as their respective plenipotentiaries:
The President of the United States, John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States;
and Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain, the Duke de Arcos, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Spain to the United States;
who, having met in the city of Washington and having exchanged their full powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following sole article:
Spain relinquishes to the United States all title and claim of title, which she may have had at the time of the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace of Paris, to any and all islands belonging to the Philippine Archipelago, lying outside the lines described in Article III of that Treaty and particularly to the islands of Cagayan, Sulu and Sibutu and their dependencies, and agrees that all such islands shall be comprehended in the cession of the Archipelago as fully as if they had been expressly included within those lines.
The United States, in consideration of this relinquishment, will pay to Spain the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) within six months after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.
The present treaty shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain, after approval by the Cortes of the Kingdom, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible.
In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this Treaty and have hereunto affixed our seals.
Done in duplicate at the city of Washington, the 7th day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred.

* The Philippine National Territory: A Collection of Documents, Raphael Perpetuo M. Lotilla, ed. (1995), at 38.
1. Sources: 31 US Stat. 1942; II Malloy 1696.
2. Concluded November 7, 1900; ratification advised by U.S. Senate January 22, 1901; ratified by the U.S. President January 30, 1901; ratifications exchanged March 23, 1901; proclaimed March 23, 1901.