Saturday, December 8, 2012

What if the Panatag Shoal Crisis is just a "Wag the Dog" tactic?

if the Panatag Shoal crisis is just a "wag the dog" tactic of Beijing's overlords to strengthen national unity... by creating a "we against the world" atmosphere in the country (remember Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution?)... it will fail... primarily on the grounds of credibility... Mao's Long March Generation was never hounded by fat offshore bank account allegations... and does not have online social media to contend with...

as the Chinese Communist Party has correctly identified recently... the biggest threat to the People's Republic are not its neighbors... it is CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES...

diverting the attention of the Chinese masses from this problem... by deliberately instigating "Wag the Dog" conflicts with China's neighbors... will not only... not make the problem go away... but will create more problems... enough problems to potentially push the People's Republic over the abyss of political disintegration... and worse... maybe even total annihilation...

i hope the overlords of Beijing can spell B-A-L-K-A-N-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N... or H-I-R-O-S-H-I-M-A...

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